American Arcadia Walkthrough – Table of Contents
Check out our walkthrough of American Arcadia to find out how to solve the 3D Visi-o-rama section to get rid of the jingle.
Welcome to the Into Indie Games walkthrough for American Arcadia!
For more information on American Arcadia beyond this walkthrough, be sure to check out the official website here.
Chapter 6 (Contd.)
Scene 26
On regaining control of Trevor, go right into the screen.
Interact with the card reader when you get to it and keep going right until you find a small monitor. Interact with it.
Continue to the right to enter a Spectrex-themed area. Here, you must complete platforming challenges with the additional rule that if you fall to the bottom, you’ll loop around to the top.
You’ll need to use this vertical looping to your advantage, as Trevor can’t jump high enough to reach platforms above him. When faced with a situation like this, jump down while being aligned with said platform.
Interact with the arcade machine on the first platform and go right up the stairs. Continue along the platforming route, activating the arcade machines as you go.
When you reach the platforming challenge with the Spectrex logo, ignore the ‘T’ and jump from ‘C’ to ‘R’ instead.
When you reach the final arcade machine, you’ll enter your initials and proceed to a very red area.
Go right and up the first ladder. Ignore the second ladder (which is unclimbable) and go right again, down the ramp.
Jump onto the staircase to the right and go down. Run left now and you’ll encounter a disorienting puzzle.
Here, you must run left or right in the right sequence to proceed. Your hint is in the form of the silhouettes of the pipes in the foreground of the screen.
You will first encounter one pipe – so after crossing this pipe, run in the opposite direction. After encountering two pipes, once again switch directions.
Eventually you should get to a ladder. Jump onto the TV set and then the ladder. Climb up and go right until you reach a stealth section with Javert.
Here, avoid Javert’s gaze, which is very helpfully shown by spotlights. When the coast is clear, run right and drop down the pipe, then run left into the pipe to be safe again.
When Javert is looking to the far left, start running right and hide in the broken pipe.
There’s a plank after this, so jump on the plank once and take cover in the pipe again. Do this twice more so that you break the plank. On falling down, immediately take cover in the pipe to the right.
Once Javert is looking to the left, run right and go down the slope.
Scene 27
Keep going right now until you find a button on a pedestal – press the button and run into the TV when you’re able to.
Here, your directions may get reversed, but keep running right and enter another TV – this one with two fans in the background. Drag the red TV in here to the left and jump onto it, then onto the ledge above.
Climb up and go right into another TV, this one having a button as well. Press the button and go back the way you came, down the ladder.
When you get to the floor, drag the red TV to the right, into TV representing the Grand Hotel Cygnus.
Once you’ve dragged it sufficiently to the right, climb onto the red TV and then jump toward the green door at the bottom-right of the TV screen.
Press the button in the next TV screen and then return to the red movable TV. Drag this TV to the ledge area again and climb up the ladder.
This time, jump into the doorway to the left. Press the button here and then go absolutely right to the newly turned-on TV.
Slide down through the TVs to find a platforming challenge. Make your way right, then left, and then up, so that you get to the ladder in the top-left section of the screen.
Climb all the way up and press the button on the platform. After this, keep going right across… diverse vehicles… and you’ll find yourself in the Lime Light club.
Switch to CCTV here and turn off all the prompts you can see in all three available cameras. After interacting with all the prompts, press the button as Trevor and then press the button again when you can.
After a narrative sequence, this chapter will end.
Head to the next part of our walkthrough of American Arcadia here!