A dreamsign can be something that occurs frequently in your dreams. By recording and analyzing your dreams, you will be able to identify recurring objects and themes. For example, you may find that your dreams frequently contain a bicycle. With this knowledge, you can begin to question your state whenever you see one of your dreamsigns. Anytime you see a bicycle you should stop and ask yourself, “Am I dreaming?” Asking this question while dreaming is usually enough to make you become lucid. If you develop this habit while awake, then it is likely to carry over into the dream state.
A dreamsign does not need to be something that occurs frequently in your dreams. Dreamsigns can also be things that are highly unusual. For example, having dinner with a celebrity, or having your hair suddenly turn blue. Anything that is unusual should make you stop and think about whether you are dreaming. With practice you will become adept at identifying dreamsigns while dreaming, and using them to question your state and become lucid.