American Arcadia Walkthrough – Table of Contents
- Prologue & Chapter 1 (Scenes 1-3)
- Chapter 1 (Scenes 4-6)
- More parts coming soon!
Check out our walkthrough of American Arcadia to find out how to get out of the building, cross the crane, and get past the Travel Agents.
Welcome to the Into Indie Games walkthrough for American Arcadia!
For more information on American Arcadia beyond this walkthrough, be sure to check out the official website here.
Chapter 1 (Contd.)
Scene 4
Once you’re back in control of Trevor, switch to CCTV mode and select Cam 1 (i.e. the second camera). Interact with the giant ADA door to open it.
As Trevor, go through the big door you just opened. Keep going right until you reach a shuttered doorway. Switch to CCTV mode and open these shutters.
Go right and watch the video that’s shown to you, which includes an explanation of what’s really going on in American Arcadia.
After the video, go right and drag the wardrobe case to the right. (To learn the drag controls, you might need to go right and hit the dead end first).
Climb on the wardrobe case and jump to the right. When you reach the shutters marked ‘American Arcadia’, open these shutters and continue to the right.
In the next area, things are a bit dark. Switch to CCTV mode and use the spotlight way high above Trevor’s position.
Move the spotlight a little to the right and have Trevor drag the case to the right as well. Climb on top of the case and then onto the platform to the right.
Move the spotlight to the right again to illuminate a forklift platform. Bring this platform down and jump on it. Then raise the platform again and go right.
Continue moving the spotlight and Trevor to the right, until Trevor enters a dark area that cannot be illuminated by the spotlight. Now switch to Cam 1.
Turn on the second spotlight, which is only visible in the Cam 1 view and drag the wardrobe case here all the way to the left.
Switch back to Cam 0 for better visibility and climb the wardrobe case. Then, jump to the right and proceed.
When you reach the boarded up exit, use your drag controls on it to bring the board down. Continue right to reach another dark CCTV area.
Switch to CCTV mode and turn on the spotlight to the left. Raise the elevator here and then drag the wardrobe case to the left. Once the wardrobe case is clear of the elevator, bring the elevator all the way down.
Drag the wardrobe case onto the elevator (make sure it sticks to the right) and then raise the elevator as high up as it can go. Jump onto the wardrobe case and proceed right.
Now go through the vents here, which is fairly straightforward, until you reach the area where an American Arcadia employee is being questioned.
Here, drop down to the floor and go left. Drag the dumpster to the right, but stop just before you expose yourself. Then, switch to CCTV mode and turn off the light above the employee.
Quickly drag the dumpster to the right until the light comes back on. When this happens, stop immediately. Once again, turn the light off in CCTV mode and drag the dumpster to the right.
Continue dragging the dumpster to the right and climb onto it, then jump right. Go right until you reach a window.
When you’re able to, interact with the window.
Once Trevor is out of the building, go right and enter CCTV mode. Switch to Cam 1 and bring the window cleaning lift down.
Exit CCTV mode and get Trevor to step on the lift. Then send the lift up in CCTV mode once again.
Scene 5
Upon going as high as the lift takes him, Trevor will have to move to the left. Stop before the first guarded window and switch to CCTV. Close the window shutter and go to the left.
Be careful when passing the middle window as you can be spotted if the Travel Agents look your way. Wait before the leftmost window and once again, bring the shutters down in CCTV mode.
Run all the way left to the next lift and use CCTV mode to send Trevor up.
Run right to get to another window cleaning lift. Here, you’re presented with a 3×3 grid of windows. Before you do anything, switch to CCTV and switch to Cam 1.
Use the buzzer next to the door and switch to Cam 0 again. Move Trevor’s lift twice to the right. Now watch the middle-right window and once the agent is moving to the left from there, move your lift to it.
Finally, move your lift to the top-right window and then up again to reach the stairs. Keep running right now.
Jump onto and across the roofs as required, but don’t stop running. When you reach the crane, run onto the crane and switch to CCTV mode simultaneously.
Use the crane control in the center to start moving the crane to the right. While it moves, raise the platform to the right. Drop onto the platform and climb onto the next roof.
If you timed the crane section right, the other Travel Agent will not have caught up with you when you get off the platform. Keep running right and jump off into the swimming pool.
Scene 6
After emerging from the swimming pool, keep going right, jumping as required, and cross the monorail track without getting crushed.
Eventually, you’ll hide behind a wall, right next to a crosswalk. Switch to CCTV mode and interact with the cars.
When Angela gives you the go-ahead, start running to the right and don’t stop. This will conclude Chapter 1.
Head to the next part of our walkthrough of American Arcadia here! (Coming soon!)