Home Indie Game Born of Bread Walkthrough – Part 1 (Prologue & Forest of Roots)

Born of Bread Walkthrough – Part 1 (Prologue & Forest of Roots)

Born of Bread Walkthrough – Part 1 (Prologue & Forest of Roots)


Check out our Born of Bread walkthrough to find out how to complete the game’s prologue and then make your way out of the Forest of Roots.

Welcome to the Into Indie Games walkthrough for Born of Bread!

For more information on Born of Bread beyond this walkthrough, check out the official website here.

Prologue & Forest of Roots

As you start the game and take control of Loaf, go right to pick up the ladle.

Born of Bread Walkthrough - Part 1 (Prologue & Forest of Roots)

You can now whack stuff in the environment with your ladle, so go ahead and whack some of the barrels to gain clovers.

When you’re ready to proceed, go to the west (i.e. left of the screen) and then north (away from the camera). Go east from where the rat is, and then down the torch-lit stairs.

Born of Bread Walkthrough - Part 1 (Prologue & Forest of Roots)

Go east in this hallway to find a guard blocking your way. As he won’t let you through, go ahead and use the ladle on the rightmost exhibit.

Born of Bread Walkthrough - Part 1 (Prologue & Forest of Roots)

Pick up the Royal Gem that just fell down and your way will be cleared. Go up the stairs beyond where the guard was.

On the next screen, go east to meet up with Her Majesty and Papa Baker.

After a brief conversation, you’ll enter your first fight. You can’t do anything other than attack Jester, so do just that.

Born of Bread Walkthrough - Part 1 (Prologue & Forest of Roots)

This concludes the prologue and gets you to the title screen and beyond. You’re now in the Forest of Roots, specifically the Great Trunk area.

Wake Loaf up by jumping and then go south, down the path.

Here, you’ll find that you can bust acorns and leaf piles instead of barrels to get your golden clovers.

Born of Bread Walkthrough - Part 1 (Prologue & Forest of Roots)

Go east and north to find Papa Baker knocked out on a tree stump. Talk to him to get a new weapon: the Druidic Sickle.

Follow Papa Baker’s instructions to put the weapon in your backpack, so that you can use it in combat when needed.

Born of Bread Walkthrough - Part 1 (Prologue & Forest of Roots)

You can now go north, hopping over the islands to find a barrel containing a Shroom Jelly. Otherwise, go east and up the blue mushroom. Continue east over the blue mushrooms, until you reach the Lost Clearing area.

Go east to find a ‘creepy little shack’. After the conversations, you’ll gain a new party member in the form of Lint. You also have a map now.

Born of Bread Walkthrough - Part 1 (Prologue & Forest of Roots)

Go east after this, then south and east again, up the fallen log. Go north up the plank, then east until you encounter a fight.

Fight the monster here, learning how to fight in the process, and then when you’re done, go south and east up the slope.

Born of Bread Walkthrough - Part 1 (Prologue & Forest of Roots)

Proceed east into the Root Maze, where we learn that Lint can dig. Use Lint to dig through the entrance to the hollow log, and go north through the log.

Here, you’re reach a fork. Feel free to explore the maze as you like – you’ll find enemies and goodies even at the dead ends.

To proceed, go north from the hollow log and east from the stone ruins.

Just after the ruins, go south and fight an enemy. Then, use Lint to go through the rubble blocking the log.

Go north, east, south, and east again. You will then be free of the maze as you enter The Outskirts.

Born of Bread Walkthrough - Part 1 (Prologue & Forest of Roots)

Here, go north to find a mysterious person in a robe. Talk to them to learn that they need their salamander children, provided in pairs. After the conversation, go east.

You can’t enter Lapwing Village to the north here, as the way is blocked by a bunch of birds. So instead, feel free to explore the Outskirts area. Be wary of the monsters here, though!

Of note, you’ll find a mound you can dig to the southeast of the birds, where you’ll find a Health Up.

Born of Bread Walkthrough - Part 1 (Prologue & Forest of Roots)

A little to the south of this mound, you’ll find a land bridge stretching to the west. Go over this bridge (carefully) and you’ll reach a giant, water-filled tree trunk. Go east to find one of the salamanders you need.

Born of Bread Walkthrough - Part 1 (Prologue & Forest of Roots)

Go south from here and drop down a ledge to find another mound you can dig up (as well as an enemy), which has a bunch of clovers. Go east from there and use the green mushroom to hop up the ledge.

Born of Bread Walkthrough - Part 1 (Prologue & Forest of Roots)

Proceed north up the green mushroom and then east to finally exit the Forest of Roots. You’ll reach Royal Town, specifically the Uptown area there.

Head to the next part of our Born of Bread walkthrough here! (Coming soon!)

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