I have a task which i have a moving ship that can shoot in any direction i want. i have to shoot to standing or moving nearby objects.
the problem is, I can’t correctly calculate true shoot direction.I must find a direction after ship velocity apply on it then bullet go to target position.
Ship shoot method :
public void shoot(vector3 direction)
var projectile= new Projectile();
projectile.Velocity = Ship.LinearVelocity + Vector3.Normalize(direction) * Ship.GunInfo.ProjectileSpeed;
projectile.Position = Ship.Position;
Projectile update method :
public void Update(TimeSpan deltaTime)
Position+= Velocity * deltaTime;
So what is true direction which must to be passed into shoot method?
I tried bellow calculations :
1- first solution i tried to shoot targets : (really bad accuracy)
var baseDirection = target.Position - Ship.Position;
var direction = baseDirection - Ship.LinearVelocity/Ship.GunInfo.ProjectileSpeed;
2- second solution i tried to shoot targets : (better accuracy)
var baseDirection = target.Position - Ship.Position;
var shootDirection = Ship.LinearVelocity + Vector3.Normalize(baseDirection) * Ship.GunInfo.ProjectileSpeed;
var direction = Vector3.Reflect(- shootDirection, Vector3.Normalize(baseDirection))
All velocities (ship, projectile) are vector3.
I don’t use any physic engine but i have vector3 math functions like (normalize, project, dot, …).
Normalize mean vectorA/length(vectorA) that means vector with length one
ship speed at shoot time is constant but periodically change velocity and direction.
there is no gravity,wind etc all velocity remain constant except ship that change its way.