Home Video Game How to solve Arithmancy door puzzles in Hogwarts Legacy

How to solve Arithmancy door puzzles in Hogwarts Legacy

How to solve Arithmancy door puzzles in Hogwarts Legacy


Encountering locked puzzle doors with golden images of magical beasts is something you’ll encounter as soon after you exit your common rooms in Hogwarts Legacy.

When you try to open the door, two triangles appear on the door face. Some have numbers, some corners have a picture of a beast, and the last corner has a question mark. Continue reading to find out what beasts should take over the last corner, and how to solve these Arithmancy door puzzles in Hogwarts Legacy — including the locked door you’ll find in the Central Hall.

How to solve Arithmancy door puzzles in Hogwarts Legacy

The arithmancy door puzzle in Hogwarts Legacy can be solved by solving a math problem. Each of the magical beasts around the door is associated with a number, and you can guess the number based on the images themselves.

For example, the unicorn having one horn is one, and the spider has eight legs so it is eight. However, the trickiest part that seems to stump many players is that the numbers start from zero.

To unlock the puzzle door, you’ll have to find the two missing numbers in their triangles. Simply add the two numbers together and subtract the sum from the number in the center of the triangle. The resulting number will be associated with a magical beast that you’ll have to input into triangles around the door. If you’re unsure of what number the magical beasts represent, check the image below to see what magical beasts are associated with what number.

Central Hall door puzzle solution in Hogwarts Legacy

If you’re still having trouble unlocking the door puzzles, follow along an example of an arithmancy door puzzle that can be found in the Central Hall.

  1. Reveal the triangles on the door by interacting with it.
  2. Add the two numbers on the corners of the triangle together. In the case of the image above, it would be 11 + 2 = 13 for the top triangle and 5 + 9 = 14 for the bottom triangle.
  3. Subtract the number inside the triangle by the sum of the two numbers from the step before. In this case, it would be 21 – 13 = 8 for the top triangle and 17 – 14 = 3 for the bottom triangle.
  4. Find the magical beast associated with those numbers, which is the spider for the top triangle and the three-headed snake.
  5. Search for nearby triangles on the wall that are labeled with “?” and “??”. If you’re having a hard time finding the triangles, use revelio near the Arithmancy door, and look around to see highlighted triangles on the wall.
  6. Input the magical beasts from step four on their respective triangles. For the image above, the triangle with a “?” would be the spider and the triangle with a “??” would be the three-headed snake.
  7. Interact with the door again to unlock it, and open the chests inside to collect your rewards.

Now you’ve mastered these doors, other obstacles we can help with are eye chests, picking locks with Alohomora, and finding all of the Demiguise statues.
