Apr 18, 2021
Emma and Gil sit down with Carla Kopp of Weird Giraffe Games and
Galactic Raptor Games to discuss designing solo modes for games,
the merits of “bots” in solo games, and how these bots tend to be
named “Steve.”
2m00s: Carla’s first published game Super Hack
4m53s: We spoke with Morten Monrad Pedersen on
154 – Leave Me Alone! about using Automa to make solo versions
of games.
7m02s: Sarah Reed is a game
designer, disability advocate, and all-around excellent
11m00s: The Cat Lady
implementation for
iOS and
18m20s: Just a quick reminder that we’re talking
about the digital implementation of the game Cat Lady, as opposed
to Carla’s tabletop AIs. AI difficulty levels are more common in
apps than they are in tabletop games.
19m45s: The Splendor
digital implementation is sadly no longer available.
20m34s: Gil mentions the solo mode that comes in the
tabletop version of It’s
a Wonderful World. Emma mentions the solo mode from the
Trucker app.
21m13s: Calico
21m47s: Gil forgets to mention that Friedemann Friese
included an “achievement sheet” in Copycat.
23m49s: Race for
the Galaxy. We chatted with Theresa Duringer, CEO of Temple
Gates, who developed the app, in Ludology
177 – AI AI, Captain!
24m26s: We’re talking about the COIN
(Counterinsurgencies) series of games, which have asymmetry built
into them. Usually, each faction has a bot that allows many or all
factions to be present in the game, even at a low player count. We
talked to Volko Ruhnke, who began the series, in Ludology
178 – COIN Operated.
24m56s: The virtual gaming platform Tabletop Simulator.
26m54s: The three-body
27m19s: Power
Grid: The Robots
28m33s: Dune:
Imperium, Smartphone
29m21s: Gil’s second published game Battle
31m24s: The
33m10s: The underrated but absolutely amazing
Fantasy Realms.
34m49s: Seven
Wonders and Alhambra.
We discussed desicion scales in games with Matt Wolfe in Ludology
157 – Come Scale Away.
Abandon All Artichokes
36m51s: Skull,
37m33s: Weird Giraffe’s upcoming games: Sara Perry’s
Gift of
Tulips, and Fertessa Alysse’s Wicked & Wise.
40m12s: Tokaido
48m02s: Carla’s company with Dan Letzring, Galactic Raptor. Dan
also runs Letiman
51m45s: Bunny
Kingdom, Root. We
interviewed Root’s designer, Cole Wehrle, most recently on Ludology
222 – Johnny Fairplay.
53m07s: Charterstone,
55m48s: The free cardmaking program nanDECK.
56m59s: The often-linked conditions of Narcolepsy and
1h05m58s: “Tony” here is designer, podcast host, and
excellent person Tony
1h09m09s: Carla’s website,
Discord, and