Home Game Development mathematics – How to tell whether an expression is independent from frame rate?

mathematics – How to tell whether an expression is independent from frame rate?

mathematics – How to tell whether an expression is independent from frame rate?


I’m working on a videogame where part of the logic involves increasing a value each render frame (a render frame is equivalent to a simulation step where the result is drawn on the screen).

Frames can have varying time steps between them, commonly named “delta time”.

I am wondering if there is a general approach to determining whether the expression that updates the value is “pinned” to real time, meaning that running one frame with delta time x is equivalent to running n frames with delta times adding up to x.

I have thought about this extensively for a few days now, but haven’t reached the clean generalization I think would be possible to reach.

Say every frame we update value a with the following expression:

a = a + (b - a) * d

This is a commonly used formula for linear interpolation, where b is a constant that can be interpreted as a target value, and d is another constant between 0 and 1 that represents the fraction of distance to cover.

Now as you can see in the link I shared above I have calculated that to do this independently from frame rate one has to replace the factor d with an expression that involves delta_time:

a = a + (b - a) * (1 - d^delta_time)

I did this by expressing this process as a recursive sequence:

S(0) = a
S(n) = S(n-1) + (b - S(n-1)) * d

Then making it non-recursive (I don’t think there’s a standard approach for this, just expanding the expression and looking for patterns such as series with known formulas for the sum of the first n elements).

Once I reached a non-recursive form, I replaced n with t / delta_time, as the number of frames elapsed is equivalent to time elapsed divided by the time between frames. Then, I introduced delta_time into the expression in order to cancel it out, and translated that change into a change in the d constant.

I am not happy with this approach however.

I am now trying to formulate the problem in some other way, seeing if it gives me some clues as to a clean generalization.

What I’m looking for is a simple rule, a way to express that:

Given an expression S(delta_time) which calculates how much to increase a value by each frame, an increase of x in delta_time should be equivalent to running one iteration with delta_time = x.

I would also be interested in a solution that would provide assurance in terms of varying time step between frames – so not just agnostic to different delta_time over n frames, but agnostic to any delta_time between each subsequent frame. I think this may have no importance mathematically, but I’m not sure.

Could someone help elucidate me? I feel I’m at the edge of my mathematical ability.

