I’m currently implementing Moon terrain with DX12.
I use QuadSphere (CubeSphere) and apply tessellation.
Moon is sphere, so we can calculate texture coordinate from polar coordinate.
I used the UV for color map and displacement map.
Each map is divided into half horizontally, so I remap texture coordinate.
(one texture 23040×11520 -> two texture 11520×11520, 11520×11520)
int texIndex = round(gTexCoord.x);
float2 sTexCoord = float2(texIndex == 0 ? gTexCoord.x * 2 : (gTexCoord.x - 0.5f) * 2.0f, gTexCoord.y);
Everyting works fine, lighting works fine except for the problem below.
Lighting is a bit weird. You can see weird stripes.
I guess the problem is coming from normal calculated from displacement map, but not sure. (below code)
What causes the problem?
// texMap[0] - right color map, texMap[1] - left color map
// texMap[2] - right displacement map, texMap[3] - left displacement map
// Calculate local normal from height map.
float2 offxy = { off.x / nTex.x, off.y / nTex.y };
float2 offzy = { off.z / nTex.x, off.y / nTex.y };
float2 offyx = { off.y / nTex.x, off.x / nTex.y };
float2 offyz = { off.y / nTex.x, off.z / nTex.y };
float s01 = texMap[texIndex + 2].SampleLevel(samLinear, sTexCoord + offxy, 0).r;
float s21 = texMap[texIndex + 2].SampleLevel(samLinear, sTexCoord + offzy, 0).r;
float s10 = texMap[texIndex + 2].SampleLevel(samLinear, sTexCoord + offyx, 0).r;
float s12 = texMap[texIndex + 2].SampleLevel(samLinear, sTexCoord + offyz, 0).r;
float3 va = normalize(float3(size.xy, s21 - s01));
float3 vb = normalize(float3(size.yx, s12 - s10));
float3 localNormal = float3(cross(va, vb) / 2 + 0.5f);
localNormal = localNormal * 2.0f - 1.0f;
Pixel Shader Full Code.
static const float2 size = { 2.0, 0.0 };
static const float3 off = { -1.0, 0.0, 1.0 };
static const float2 nTex = { 11520, 11520 };
PS_OUTPUT output;
// Convert cartesian to polar.
float theta = atan2(input.normCatPos.z, input.normCatPos.x);
theta = sign(theta) == -1 ? 2 * PI + theta : theta;
float phi = acos(input.normCatPos.y);
// Convert polar coordinates to texture coordinates.
float2 gTexCoord = float2(theta / (2 * PI), phi / PI);
// Divide texture coordinates into two parts and re-mapping.
int texIndex = round(gTexCoord.x);
float2 sTexCoord = float2(texIndex == 0 ? gTexCoord.x * 2 : (gTexCoord.x - 0.5f) * 2.0f, gTexCoord.y);
// Calculate local normal from height map.
float2 offxy = { off.x / nTex.x, off.y / nTex.y };
float2 offzy = { off.z / nTex.x, off.y / nTex.y };
float2 offyx = { off.y / nTex.x, off.x / nTex.y };
float2 offyz = { off.y / nTex.x, off.z / nTex.y };
float s01 = texMap[texIndex + 2].SampleLevel(samLinear, sTexCoord + offxy, 0).r;
float s21 = texMap[texIndex + 2].SampleLevel(samLinear, sTexCoord + offzy, 0).r;
float s10 = texMap[texIndex + 2].SampleLevel(samLinear, sTexCoord + offyx, 0).r;
float s12 = texMap[texIndex + 2].SampleLevel(samLinear, sTexCoord + offyz, 0).r;
float3 va = normalize(float3(size.xy, s21 - s01));
float3 vb = normalize(float3(size.yx, s12 - s10));
float3 localNormal = float3(cross(va, vb) / 2 + 0.5f);
localNormal = localNormal * 2.0f - 1.0f;
// Calculate TBN Matrix.
float3 N = input.normCatPos;
float3 T = float3(-sin(theta), 0, cos(theta));
float3 B = cross(N, T);
// Calculate Normal.
float3x3 TBN = float3x3(normalize(T), normalize(B), normalize(N));
float3 normal = normalize(mul(localNormal, TBN));
// [Diffuse color]
float4 texColor = texMap[texIndex].Sample(samLinear, sTexCoord);
float3 diffuse = max(dot(normal, cb.lightDirection.xyz), 0.0f) * cb.lightColor.xyz;
float3 ambient = float3(0.005f, 0.005f, 0.005f) * cb.lightColor.xyz;
float4 final = float4(saturate((diffuse + ambient) * texColor.rgb), texColor.a);
final.a = 1;
output.color = final;
return output;
HLSL Full Code (In-case)
#define PI 3.1415926538
// Constant Buffer Variables
struct ConstantBufferType
float4x4 worldMatrix;
float4x4 viewMatrix;
float4x4 projectionMatrix;
float4 cameraPosition;
float4 lightDirection;
float4 lightColor;
ConstantBuffer<ConstantBufferType> cb : register(b0);
// I/O Structures
struct VS_INPUT
float4 position : POSITION;
struct VS_OUTPUT
float4 position : SV_Position;
struct PS_OUTPUT
float4 color : SV_Target;
struct PatchTess
float edgeTess[4] : SV_TessFactor;
float insideTess[2] : SV_InsideTessFactor;
struct HS_OUT
float3 position : POSITION;
struct DS_OUT
float4 position : SV_Position;
float3 normCatPos : POSITION;
// Texture & Sampler Variables
Texture2D texMap[3] : register(t0);
SamplerState samLinear : register(s0);
// Vertex Shader
VS_OUTPUT output;
output.position = input.position;
return output;
// Constant Hull Shader
static const float near = 20.0f;
static const float far = 150.0f;
float CalcTessFactor(float3 p)
float d = distance(p, cb.cameraPosition.xyz);
float s = saturate((d - near) / (far - near));
return pow(2, -8 * pow(s, 2) + 8);
PatchTess ConstantHS(InputPatch<VS_OUTPUT, 4> patch, int patchID : SV_PrimitiveID)
PatchTess output;
float3 localPos = 0.25f * (patch[0].position + patch[1].position + patch[2].position + patch[3].position);
float3 worldPos = mul(float4(localPos, 1.0f), cb.worldMatrix).xyz;
float3 p0 = normalize(patch[0].position) * 150.0f;
float3 p1 = normalize(patch[1].position) * 150.0f;
float3 p2 = normalize(patch[2].position) * 150.0f;
float3 p3 = normalize(patch[3].position) * 150.0f;
float3 e0 = 0.5f * (p0 + p2);
float3 e1 = 0.5f * (p0 + p1);
float3 e2 = 0.5f * (p1 + p3);
float3 e3 = 0.5f * (p2 + p3);
float3 c = normalize(worldPos) * 150.0f;
output.edgeTess[0] = CalcTessFactor(e0);
output.edgeTess[1] = CalcTessFactor(e1);
output.edgeTess[2] = CalcTessFactor(e2);
output.edgeTess[3] = CalcTessFactor(e3);
output.insideTess[0] = CalcTessFactor(c);
output.insideTess[1] = output.insideTess[0];
return output;
// Control Point Hull Shader
HS_OUT HS(InputPatch<VS_OUTPUT, 4> input, int vertexIdx : SV_OutputControlPointID, int patchID : SV_PrimitiveID)
HS_OUT output;
output.position = input[vertexIdx].position;
return output;
// Domain Shader
static const float2 size = { 2.0, 0.0 };
static const float3 off = { -1.0, 0.0, 1.0 };
static const float2 nTex = { 11520, 11520 };
DS_OUT DS(const OutputPatch<HS_OUT, 4> input, float2 uv : SV_DomainLocation, PatchTess patch)
DS_OUT output;
// Bilinear interpolation (position).
float3 v1 = lerp(input[0].position, input[1].position, uv.x);
float3 v2 = lerp(input[2].position, input[3].position, uv.x);
float3 position = lerp(v1, v2, uv.y);
// Get tessellation level.
float tess = patch.edgeTess[0];
// Calculate LOD level for height map.
// range is 0 ~ 5 (mipmap has 10 levels but use only 6).
float level = max(0, 8 - sqrt(tess) - 3);
// Get normalized cartesian position.
float3 normCatPos = normalize(position);
// Convert cartesian to polar.
float theta = atan2(normCatPos.z, normCatPos.x);
theta = sign(theta) == -1 ? 2 * PI + theta : theta;
float phi = acos(normCatPos.y);
// Convert polar coordinates to texture coordinates for height map.
float2 gTexCoord = float2(theta / (2 * PI), phi / PI);
// Divide texture coordinates into two parts and re-mapping.
int texIndex = round(gTexCoord.x) + 2;
float2 sTexCoord = float2(texIndex == 0 ? gTexCoord.x * 2 : (gTexCoord.x - 0.5f) * 2.0f, gTexCoord.y);
// Get height from texture.
float height = texMap[texIndex].SampleLevel(samLinear, sTexCoord, 0).r;
// Multiply MVP matrices.
output.position = mul(float4(normCatPos * (150.0f + height * 0.5f), 1.0f), cb.worldMatrix);
output.position = mul(output.position, cb.viewMatrix);
output.position = mul(output.position, cb.projectionMatrix);
// Set normalized cartesian position for calc texture coordinates in pixel shader.
output.normCatPos = normCatPos;
return output;
// Pixel Shader
PS_OUTPUT output;
// Convert cartesian to polar.
float theta = atan2(input.normCatPos.z, input.normCatPos.x);
theta = sign(theta) == -1 ? 2 * PI + theta : theta;
float phi = acos(input.normCatPos.y);
// Convert polar coordinates to texture coordinates.
float2 gTexCoord = float2(theta / (2 * PI), phi / PI);
// Divide texture coordinates into two parts and re-mapping.
int texIndex = round(gTexCoord.x);
float2 sTexCoord = float2(texIndex == 0 ? gTexCoord.x * 2 : (gTexCoord.x - 0.5f) * 2.0f, gTexCoord.y);
// Calculate local normal from height map.
float2 offxy = { off.x / nTex.x, off.y / nTex.y };
float2 offzy = { off.z / nTex.x, off.y / nTex.y };
float2 offyx = { off.y / nTex.x, off.x / nTex.y };
float2 offyz = { off.y / nTex.x, off.z / nTex.y };
float s01 = texMap[texIndex + 2].SampleLevel(samLinear, sTexCoord + offxy, 0).r;
float s21 = texMap[texIndex + 2].SampleLevel(samLinear, sTexCoord + offzy, 0).r;
float s10 = texMap[texIndex + 2].SampleLevel(samLinear, sTexCoord + offyx, 0).r;
float s12 = texMap[texIndex + 2].SampleLevel(samLinear, sTexCoord + offyz, 0).r;
float3 va = normalize(float3(size.xy, s21 - s01));
float3 vb = normalize(float3(size.yx, s12 - s10));
float3 localNormal = float3(cross(va, vb) / 2 + 0.5f);
localNormal = localNormal * 2.0f - 1.0f;
// Calculate TBN Matrix.
float3 N = input.normCatPos;
float3 T = float3(-sin(theta), 0, cos(theta));
float3 B = cross(N, T);
// Calculate Normal.
float3x3 TBN = float3x3(normalize(T), normalize(B), normalize(N));
float3 normal = normalize(mul(localNormal, TBN));
// [Diffuse color]
float4 texColor = texMap[texIndex].Sample(samLinear, sTexCoord);
float3 diffuse = max(dot(normal, cb.lightDirection.xyz), 0.0f) * cb.lightColor.xyz;
float3 ambient = float3(0.005f, 0.005f, 0.005f) * cb.lightColor.xyz;
float4 final = float4(saturate((diffuse + ambient) * texColor.rgb), texColor.a);
final.a = 1;
output.color = final;
// [Normal map]
// output.color = float4(localNormal, 1.0f);
// [LOD level]
// float lod = texMap[0].CalculateLevelOfDetail(samLinear, input.texCoord);
// output.color = float4(lod, 1 - lod, 0.0f, 1.0f);
// [Just gray color]
// output.color = float4(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 1.0f);
return output;