Home Game Development Unity Spline Animate reset the position when change the speed

Unity Spline Animate reset the position when change the speed

Unity Spline Animate reset the position when change the speed


I think the function here teleports the object, for example it needs to go from point a to point b and it does it by teleporting… you should optimize the function by script.. instead of teleporting, you should make it drag from point a to point b

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Splines;

public class MoveAlongSpline : MonoBehaviour
    public SplineContainer spline;
    public float moveSpeed = 1f;
    public float rotationSpeed = 5f;

    private float currentDistance = 0f;

    void Update()
        // Calculate the target position on the spline
        Vector3 targetPosition = spline.EvaluatePosition(currentDistance);

        // Move the character towards the target position on the spline
        transform.position = Vector3.MoveTowards(transform.position, targetPosition, moveSpeed * Time.deltaTime);

        // Calculate the target rotation on the spline
        Vector3 targetDirection = spline.EvaluateTangent(currentDistance);

        // Rotate the character towards the target rotation on the spline
        if (targetDirection != Vector3.zero)
            Quaternion targetRotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(targetDirection, transform.up);
            transform.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(transform.rotation, targetRotation, rotationSpeed * Time.deltaTime);

        // If the end of the spline is reached, loop back to the beginning
        if (currentDistance >= 1f)
            currentDistance = 0f;
            // Adjust the movement based on the length of the spline
            float splineLength = spline.CalculateLength();
            float movement = moveSpeed * Time.deltaTime / splineLength;
            currentDistance += movement;
