i have an async loading scene system that redirects to a loading scene and then to the target scene. The function works properly although i found out that some UI elements dont work directly on scene load. For instance i have a ui bar that acts as a fill bar for objectives, (as you collect points it increments) which when i run the scene directly works fine but as soon as i load that scene async i need to manually enable the object or have it get enabled with a button press to work.
i call the loading through this function
Utilities.LoadSceneLoading(Utilities.Scene.GameScene, Utilities.Scene.LoadingSceneGame);
The actual function is this
private class LoadingMono : MonoBehaviour { }
private static Action onLoaderCallback;
private static AsyncOperation asyncOperation;
public static void LoaderCallback()
if (onLoaderCallback != null)
onLoaderCallback = null;
public static void LoadSceneLoading(Scene scene, Scene _loadingScene)
onLoaderCallback = () =>
GameObject loadingObject = new GameObject("Loading GO");
private static IEnumerator LoadSceneAsync(Scene scene)
yield return null;
asyncOperation = SceneManager.LoadSceneAsync(scene.ToString());
while (!asyncOperation.isDone)
yield return null;
And in the loading scene i have this script that get enabled after an animation event
public class LoaderCallback : MonoBehaviour
private bool isFirstUpdate = true;
private void Update()
if (isFirstUpdate)
isFirstUpdate = false;
and the object that enables it is this
private void Update()
void ShowScene()
if (canMove)
time -= Time.deltaTime;
if (time <= 0)
loaderCallback.enabled = true;
public void EnableCallBack()
canMove = true;
The whole process works fine as i need it to but i have those issues with the UI which for now , for the count bar , i have kind of fixed by having it inactive on start and enable it on the play button press but since i do have more elements and i dont want to have to try it out everytime i add something i would like some help in understanding why it doesnt allow the UI elements to appear! Thank you!
basically what it doesnt show is an inverted UI mask that i have.
public class CutoutMaskUI : Image
public override Material materialForRendering {
Material material = new Material(base.materialForRendering);
material.SetInt("_StencilComp", (int)CompareFunction.NotEqual);
return material;
i have a UI element acting as a border around an image set to fill in two separate objects, the count bar and a selection bar acting like a clock going around in a circle , these two items do not render on start and if i disable them / enable them in runtime they suddenly appear.
Basicaly the red fill image doesnt get rendered in the circle and the black outline in the count bar