Home Game Development unityscript – How do you make this n :1 hexagon immediately turn green ? (fill color) in unity

unityscript – How do you make this n :1 hexagon immediately turn green ? (fill color) in unity

unityscript – How do you make this n :1 hexagon immediately turn green ? (fill color) in unity


I want to make the hexagon in the middle immediately green

using System.Collections;

using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class Generatortrihex : MonoBehaviour
[Tooltip(“Prefab for hexagon”)]
[SerializeField] private GameObject HexagonPrefab;
[Tooltip(“Number of hexagonal layers”)]
[SerializeField] private uint Radius;
[Tooltip(“Multiplier for hexagon side length”)]
[SerializeField] private float HexSideMultiplier = 1;

private const float sq3 = 1.7320508075688772935274463415059f;

private void Start()

void GenerateHexagonFloor()
    // Point of the next hexagon to be spawned
    Vector2 currentPoint = transform.position;

    // Check if the HexagonPrefab has uniform scale
    if (!Mathf.Approximately(HexagonPrefab.transform.localScale.x, HexagonPrefab.transform.localScale.y))
        Debug.LogError("HexagonPrefab has non-uniform scale: cannot determine its side. Aborting");

    // Array defining the movement vectors for hexagon spawning
    Vector2[] mv = {
        new Vector2(1.5f, -sq3 * 0.5f),    // Down Right
        new Vector2(0, -sq3),               // Down
        new Vector2(-1.5f, -sq3 * 0.5f),    // Down Left
        new Vector2(-1.5f, sq3 * 0.5f),     // Up Left
        new Vector2(0, sq3),                // Up
        new Vector2(1.5f, sq3 * 0.5f)       // Up Right

    int lmv = mv.Length;  // Length of the movement vector array
    float HexSide = HexagonPrefab.transform.localScale.x * HexSideMultiplier;  // Calculate hexagon side length

    int hn = 1;  // Initialize hexagon number counter

    // Loop through layers of hexagons (from center to outer layers)
    for (int mult = 0; mult <= Radius; mult++)
        // Loop through each movement vector
        for (int j = 0; j < lmv; j++)
            // Loop to instantiate hexagons in the current layer
            for (int i = 0; i < mult; i++, hn++)
                GameObject hexagon = Instantiate(HexagonPrefab, currentPoint, Quaternion.identity, transform);
                Tile newTile = hexagon.GetComponent<Tile>();
                if (newTile != null)
                    if (mult == 0) newTile.OnFill();

                hexagon.name = string.Format("Hex n: {0}", hn);
                currentPoint += mv[j] * HexSide;

            // Special case for the last movement vector (Up)
            if (j == 4)
                GameObject hexagon = Instantiate(HexagonPrefab, currentPoint, Quaternion.identity, transform);
                Tile newTile = hexagon.GetComponent<Tile>();
                if (newTile != null)

                hexagon.name = string.Format("Hex n: {0}", hn);
                currentPoint += mv[j] * HexSide;

                if (mult == Radius)
                    break;  // Finished if it's the last layer


using System.Collections;

using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class Tile : MonoBehaviour
[SerializeField] private SpriteRenderer spriteRenderer;

[SerializeField] private Transform[] checkPoint;
private float radCheckPoint = 0.1f;

[SerializeField] private Color emptyColor;

[SerializeField] private Color fillColor;

[SerializeField] private Color checkColor_empty;

[SerializeField] private Color checkColor_fill;

[SerializeField] private Color selectColor_empty;

[SerializeField] private Color selectColor_fill;

[SerializeField] private Color avaliableColor;
private bool isAvaliable;
public int layer;

public bool isEmpty;

private List<Tile> checkTiles = new List<Tile>();

public void Init()

    spriteRenderer.color = emptyColor;
    isEmpty = true;


public void OnFill()

    if (!isEmpty)

    spriteRenderer.color = fillColor;

    isEmpty = false;

public void OnCheck()

    if (isEmpty)
        spriteRenderer.color = checkColor_empty;
        spriteRenderer.color = checkColor_fill;

public void OffCheck()

    if (isEmpty)
        spriteRenderer.color = emptyColor;
        spriteRenderer.color = fillColor;

private bool CheckFillTile()
    if (checkTiles.Count < 1)
        return true;

    foreach (Tile t in checkTiles)
        if (t.GetFill())
            return true;

    return false;

public void Avaliable()
    if (!isEmpty)

    spriteRenderer.color = avaliableColor;
    isAvaliable = true;

public bool GetFill()
    return !isEmpty;

private void OnMouseDown()

    if (isEmpty && !CheckFillTile())


private void OnMouseEnter()

    if (isEmpty)
        spriteRenderer.color = selectColor_empty;
        spriteRenderer.color = selectColor_fill;

    for (int i = 0; i < checkPoint.Length; i++)
        RaycastHit2D hit = Physics2D.CircleCast(checkPoint[i].position, radCheckPoint, Vector2.zero);

        if (hit.transform != null)
            if (hit.transform.GetComponent<Tile>() != null)

                var tileScript = hit.transform.GetComponent<Tile>();



private void OnMouseExit()
    if (isEmpty)
        if (isAvaliable)
            spriteRenderer.color = avaliableColor;
            spriteRenderer.color = emptyColor;
        spriteRenderer.color = fillColor;

    if (checkTiles.Count < 1)

    foreach (Tile t in checkTiles)

