One of my most popular activities is Pixel Art. This allows students to essentially paint by number in a spreadsheet. Typing numbers into the spreadsheet. I love to have all students working together in the same Google Sheets spreadsheet. TemplateTab allows you to duplicate a graphic organizer within the same spreadsheet. Creating graphic organizers with Pixel Art is fun! Here is how to use Pixel Art with TemplateTab
Pixel Art with TemplateTab
The first step is to design your graphic organizer. In this case, you want to make a copy of the Pixel Art template.
Install TemplateTab
TemplateTab is created by Alice Keeler. It collects NO USER DATA. NO PII. It is completely safe to use.
TemplateTab Add-on
After making a copy of the template use the Extensions menu to select TemplateTab. “Setup Sheet” will add a sheet to the front of the spreadsheet. Paste your class list, roster, into the column A.
Run TemplateTab
After you have pasted your class list, go back to the Extensions menu and “Run TemplateTab.” This will duplicate the Pixel Art template for each student on the list. A tab will be created with their name.
Share the Spreadsheet
Share the spreadsheet with the students. They will locate their name on the tabs along the bottom and create their graphic by typing single digit numbers.